Who sees dead people?

A friend recently inquired whether my oft-inflated sagacity could cast any light on mystical experiences involving a recently deceased relative. Some, it is true, may be overeager to accept such communication, or to accept apparent evidence for reincarnation, at face value. Some dismiss it all as nonsense. It is tempting to say that every case of communication with the deceased is self-deception, and every reincarnation tale a hoax, and for all I know they may be just that. But let’s take some ideas from the Vedantic religions of the East and see if we can work through to a place that alienates neither the claimant nor the skeptic.

The akashic record in the Eastern mythos is the record of everything normally considered past, present, and future (in our clumsy linear sense of time). Every thought, every movement of every leaf, is contained in this vast database, as it were. But the akashic record is more than a database. It is the ultimate reality. All our daily actions are reflections of, or abstractions from, the akashic record. We are right now living the akashic record, experiencing it from one orientation point.

All forms of prayer, meditation, yoga, etc., are strategies for bringing us closer to the akashic record (or God-consciousness), where all things past, present, and future are perceived as oneness. Who knows how many levels of transcendence are folded between our localized consciousness and the all-embracing God-consciousness of the akashic record, but if we could reach bottom we would recognize that we ourselves, at the deepest level of our existence, are living all lives past, present, and future simultaneously – we would be viewing reality not from the orientation point of our individual consciousness but from the orientation point of the akashic record.

It may be that if we stripped away all hoaxes and self-deception, and found some instances of communication with the other world still standing, those instances would be the result of a dipping down into the roots of consciousness in the akashic record, and bringing back up what fragments we could find.

So as of today that is my “unified field theory” of reincarnation, precognition, clairvoyance, and all manner of communication with the dead. I now reserve the right to come at this topic from mutually exclusive orientation points as suits my whim in the future.

10 thoughts on “Who sees dead people?

  1. Greetings Gary,

    I am sure I have mentioned the book “The End of Time” by Julian Barbour in which he investigates whether or not time is an illusion and does not actually exist.

    He believes in an infinite number of “points” of reality, each with its own context, and which when viewed as a stream, give the illusion of change and the flow of time. The record contains all possible points of all possible universes.

    This of course would be the Akashic record.

    The only question for me is this : So we have an infinite sea of possibility, and obviously some viewing rules (or not) that are perceived as the laws of physics.

    So WHAT or WHO is the viewer, and does that viewer’s consciousness sit outside of the total record, and is the record “real” at all, or is it just the frames of a “movie”. In this context, there is no past, present, or future, as there is no time. There is just information strung together by a viewer as a sequence, all consciousness being nothing more than a string of information.

    Wayne J


    • Everything you say is in sync with my thinking, down to the identification of the key questions.

      My tentative answer would be that the viewer’s consciousness is the akashic record in its subjective aspect. And that it is not so much the “viewer” as the “experiencer,” at which point the distinction between “real” and “movie frames” begins to break down. That distinction is very meaningful at one layer of reality, but the deeper you get, the less meaningful the distinction between “experiencer” and “what is experienced” – it’s just Experience and it can be mediated via its subjective (“experiencer”) or its objective (“what is being experienced”) aspect. However, that distinction is irrelevant in the immediacy of Experience. (To go back to our old “being in love” example, at some depth it no longer makes sense to try to distinguish between the “I” who is being in love and the “being in love” that I am experiencing. We can look back later and try to distinguish those aspects for the sake of analysis but they are not relevant in the immediacy of the experience.)


      • Or, it could just be a lot of bullshit and we are just a bunch of atoms moving through time with a computer brain that makes the atoms think they are “thinking”.

        Wayne J


        • Knowing you as I do, I knew you could only talk philosophy for so long before you concluded that you were immersed in a “bullshit” discipline.

          I’m not sure your final comment is inconsistent with the “philosophy” though. Maybe just a shallower orientation point in the same manifold of Experience.



  2. Does the akashic record predate humankind? Will it continue post-humankind? If so, in either case or in both cases, of what use was, or will be, this vast library of knowledge and experience to non-human phenomena? I suggest the record is useful only to humankind (which created it).

    My point, of course, is that the akashic record is simply another human conceit aimed at the approach of the unapproachable. Wanting to look behind the curtain (of death or of “the ultimate reality”) is natural for us, but neither desire nor fear make such gazing possible for the living. All of our wondrous imaginings are powerless to escape the vessel of living imagination. The ultimate barrier is impenetrable to all our mental gamesmanship, however baroque. We shall see, or not see, what’s in store only when we arrive upon the hidden shore. Until then, we are, every living soul, truly agnostic in this context.

    Patience, then, would seem to be the order of the day.


  3. Pingback: Robert JR Graham » The Akashic Records And Other Dimensions

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